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Flight the Body
Posted by Caveman
3/29/2007  4:53:00 PM
I read with great interest and sometimes it raises a smile
All those who believe the body is ahead of the foot are not thinking correctly. The spine is the centre of our balance. we drive the spine forward. Call it what you like. Bodyflight will do. We flight the spine but the foot will always beat the body. We have within us an in built instinct to do this otherwise when we dropped out of the trees a million years ago we would have fallen face down the first time we tried to walk. Personaly i dont believe that those who THINK there body is ahead of their feet have ever watched themselves on a video.
Re: Flight the Body
Posted by Anonymous
3/30/2007  6:49:00 AM
"We flight the spine but the foot will always beat the body."

The foot will beat the body to the FINISH LINE,

but the body will beat the foot OUT OF THE STARTING BLOCK.

Re: Flight the Body
Posted by Quickstep.
3/30/2007  3:01:00 PM
From a standing still position. When I move my body from over my heel to the ball of the foot. Not the toe. Is my body in front of my foot.
To make the point try this. Stand with the feet together. With your feet together make sure all of your weight is on the RF. You could lift your LF. Now put all of your body weight onto the other foot. Has my body gone beyond my foot. That is of course a sideway movement. But if I did step to the side what will move first. It wont be my body.
So now we spread our legs front to back at full stride. Front leg and back leg straight. Send your weight from the cental position over the heel of the front foot onto the ball. This is where the leg will take over. It will move ahead of the body.This is a perfectly natural muscle memory thing that none of us have to think about. What we dont want is somebody thrusting there leg out too early and so far ahead they have to play catch up.
Body in front of your moving foot. Give us a break. I would feel like a cyclist running in front of his wheels.
Re: Flight the Body
Posted by Anonymous
3/30/2007  3:16:00 PM
"From a standing still position. When I move my body from over my heel to the ball of the foot. Not the toe.""

That's the problem - if you stop your body over the ball of the foot, then you've stopped the progress of the body.

To dance smoothly, your body will have to progress constantly - from heel, to ball, to toe, to BEYOND THE TOE.

If you keep your weight stationary over the ball of your standing foot until you moving foot is placed, then you aren't dancing smoothly - you are dancing STOP AND GO.
Re: Flight the Body
Posted by Quickstep
3/30/2007  4:17:00 PM
Strange you should bring this up. I was only just reading an article that said Contrary to popular belief the body is not constantly moving forward. There are pauses. I suppose they mean that not like a ball rolling across the floor at a constant speed there are variations of the speed of the dancer
Incidently stopping over the supporting foot was not on the agender and never got a mention. The words used are from a stationary position at the beginning of our movement. Which is spoken about three times in as many pages in the technique book. Which you have by now no doubt read and have choosen to ignore.
Re: Flight the Body
Posted by Anonymous
3/30/2007  5:19:00 PM
"Strange you should bring this up. I was only just reading an article that said Contrary to popular belief the body is not constantly moving forward. There are pauses. I suppose they mean that not like a ball rolling across the floor at a constant speed there are variations of the speed of the dancer"

Changes in speed is quite accurate, and is still a category of continuous movement. But outright pauses are totally out of place in a lowered position walk-like action, and even the risen part of a figure like a feather would only be a slowing, with ABSOLUTELY NO PAUSE OR HOLD - only a slowing. (Checking figures, the peak of waltz rise, and of course tango are example of different sorts of actions - but we weren't talking about those)

"Incidently stopping over the supporting foot was not on the agender and never got a mention. The words used are from a stationary position at the beginning of our movement."

The movement begins as the body moves from the ball of the foot to the toe and then on until the center of mass is projected BEYOND THE TOE. If you do not continue the movement of your center of mass past the foot and project it into imbalance, then you ARE PAUSING YOUR BODY MOVEMENT until your moving leg is in place - a SEVERE ERROR.

That's the whole reason walking includes imbalance - because without it, continuous, non-pausing movement would be impossible once we stared taking steps longer than the length of our foot!

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